Sara Yao

At some point in your adult life, your approach to work and relationships stops working as well as it once did.

That’s by design.



The unraveling of our conditioned patterns is an invitation to a more creative and liberated way of living and leading. You can resist the invitation and double down on your old ways, or you can step into the unknown and follow an evolutionary call emerging from a place inside of you that is far wiser than your conditioning.  

For those who want to answer the call, I act as a guide and coach. I offer presence and stability, clarity and context, and act as a reference point of sanity and compassion. I put my soul into our work so you can listen to yours more deeply. Personal transformation takes commitment and it’s one of the most impactful acts of leadership you can offer to the world. 


Expand your capacity to Lead from Wisdom

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· Sustaining focus· Being present in the moment· Observing with awareness (inside and out)

· Sustaining focus

· Being present in the moment

· Observing with awareness (inside and out)

· Recognizing interconnectedness· Listening with curiosity and compassion· Connecting with something larger than self

· Recognizing interconnectedness

· Listening with curiosity and compassion

· Connecting with something larger than self

· Cultivating internal stability· Engaging in courageous conversations· Willingness to step into the unknown

· Cultivating internal stability

· Engaging in courageous conversations

· Willingness to step into the unknown


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