Leadership Speaker — Sara Yao
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Speaking and Workshops

Organizations regularly invite Sara to impact and enhance retreats, conferences or team development events. Sara brings deep expertise and personal experience to the conversations of leader development and personal transformation.  

Sara illuminates how our life experience impacts the way we lead, think, and live. She explains lofty, potent wisdom principles in a way that is easy to understand and absorb. Sara’s approach to the conversation of leadership is holistic and challenges participants to expand their perspectives of themselves and their unconscious behaviors. Sara’s refreshing and real style consistently resonates with diverse audiences and her presence in the room is often described as a “breath of fresh air”. 


“I’ve hired Sara to speak at numerous events because she always delivers flawlessly and her topics resonate with attendees. She consistently fills the room (often beyond capacity), engages the audience and leaves everyone feeling energized and more present.”

– Lynn Walker, Event Strategist

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Get Present
Listening as a Leader
Parenting with Presence

Being present in the moment is a simple concept, but often difficult to experience - especially in a world where our attention is consumed with packed calendars, expanding to-do lists and prolonged technology use. Our fragmented attention is backfiring and instead of getting more done, our minds are spinning, leaving us stressed, reactive, and unable to focus or innovate.  Strengthening our awareness of the present moment is the most reliable and sustainable way to navigate the complexities of our daily life and make the impact we desire. In this engaging session you will learn how to move from autopilot to presence and lead with deeper levels of awareness, clarity and connection. 

During this interactive session, participants will: 

  • Learn the neuroscience behind your unconscious reactions 

  • Experiment with ways to access higher-level thinking and relating

  • Identify ways to choose more productive responses

  • Identify practical tools to strengthen your awareness in everyday situations 

  • Access a deeper level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence

This workshop can be customized to address specific themes, such as:

  • Change Management: Navigating Change with More Presence and Impact

  • Leadership: How the Practice of Presence Can Transform Your Leadership and Life

  • Career Growth: Standing Out Without Burning Out

Length of Session: 90 minutes to 3 hours

Audience Size: Up to 150

As a leader it is imperative that you be fully present and listen – to both yourself and to others. When you listen from a state of presence, you are naturally more curious and able to pick up on subtleties you may have once overlooked. As a result of listening with presence, you will become more collaborative, creative and discerning.

During this interactive session you will:

  • Deepen your practice of present-moment awareness

  • Identify inner assumptions and behaviors that get in the way of deeply listening Practice whole-being listening – listening from awareness of mind, body, heart and gut

  • Gain valuable insight on how to approach one of your biggest challenges

  • Walk away with specific and easy-to-apply tools to help strengthen your impact at work and home

*Note: The “Get Present” session is a pre-requisite for this session.

Length of Session: 2-3 hours

Audience Size: Up to 150

Parenting can be one of the toughest jobs on the planet and our packed schedules only make it harder. You can’t make more hours in the day, but you can learn how to make the most of the ones you have and transform your experience of parenting.

In this interactive session you will:

Bring more sanity to your job as a parent by tuning into the present moment Explore tools to help your children process their experience and emotions in the moment

Strategies for you (and your children) to connect with innate resources of calm and well-being

Simple steps you and your family can take to connect more deeply with each other – even when you only have a few minutes 

Length of Session: 90 minutes - 2 hours

Audience Size: Up to 150


“Sara is by far one of the most intentional, uplifting and warm leadership coaches our group has had the pleasure of featuring. In my own history of learning expeditions, Sara’s session was the first time a group actually asked to extend the interaction. She taught them simple techniques to get present and stay present and the team used her tools the entire time we were together.”

- Joseph Chehouri, Program Manager, WDHB

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